3D Vision & Robotics Lab (3D Vision Lab) is looking for self-motivated prospective graduate students and undergraduate research program participants! If you are interested in joining our Lab, please check the Contact>Recruitment page and send an email to (
Latest News
- [2025.03] Four members joined our Lab (welcome!) [New]
- [2025.02] One paper is accepted in CVPR 2025! [New]
- [2025.02] Our research received Samsung Humantech Paper Award Silver Prize! [New]
- [2025.01] Two members (S. Han and Y. Choi) have been selected for the University of Toronto AI Convergence Education Program! [New]
- [2024.10] Two papers are accepted in IEEE RA-L! [New]
- [2024.09] One paper is accepted in ACCV 2024! [New]
- [2024.09] Our research works received the Best Poster Award and Sponsorship Company Award (HD한국조선해양 후원 기업상) from UNIST AI Technology Open Workshop 2024! [New]
- [2024.09] Our lab won a project of Mid-career Researcher Program (중견 연구) supported by NRF! [New]
- [2024.09] Three members joined our Lab (welcome!) [New]
- [2024.08] One member (J. Jang) started a research internship at Harvard University!
- [2024.07] One member (G. Cho) attended KIC DC Tech 2024 Program in Washington DC!
- [2024.07] Our work (oral presentation in CVPR 2024 workshop) has been invited to the IJCV special issue!
- [2024.07] Two members (J. Kim and J. Lee) started a research internship at Carnegie Mellon University!
- [2024.06] Our workshop paper was selected as Long paper honorable mention in CVPR 2024 workshop!
- [2024.05] Two papers are accepted in CVPR 2024 workshop!
- [2024.04] Prof. Kyungdon Joo has received the Outstanding Faculty Award (학술상) at UNIST!
- [2024.03] Prof. Kyungdon Joo has received the gift of research funding from Adobe!
- [2024.03] Prof. Kyungdon Joo is early promoted to Associate Professor!
- [2024.02] One paper is accepted in CVPR 2024!
- [2024.02] One paper is accepted in IEEE RA-L (IF: 5.2)!
- [2024.02] Two members joined our Lab (welcome!)
- [2024.02] One paper received the Best Poster Award from IPIU 2024!
- [2024.01] Two members (J. Kim and J. Lee) started a research internship at 42dot during winter vacation!
- [2023.12] One paper is accepted in IEEE ICASSP 2024!
- [2023.12] One paper is accepted in AAAI 2024!
- [2023.11] One paper is accepted in IEEE RA-L (IF: 5.2)!
- [2023.10] Professor Joo is selected as one of the outstanding reviewers at ICCV 2023!
- [2023.08] Three members joined our Lab (welcome!)
- [2023.07] One paper is accepted in ICCV 2023!
- [2023.05] One paper is accepted in IEEE TPAMI (IF: 24.314)!
- [2023.02] One paper is accepted in CVPR 2023!
- [2023.02] Four members joined our Lab (welcome!)